Yoga Workouts

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Dive in here if you are looking for a specific area to work on. *Top Tip: we should focus our attention on our sticky/tight/weak areas to create harmony within the body ♥
freedom yoga
Pay attention to how you move. Move to find freedom - not the posture. *low intensity
core yoga
A core focused Tabata Workout
back pain yoga
A 40 min low key back care flow. Suitable for all levels. If anything causes you pain - stop
desk reset
No need for a mat - address common problem areas associated with chair sitting in this quick 15 min sequence.  Do it daily to feel movement magic.
upper body yoga stretch
Use this flow to unravel your body and senses. You may need a bolster or blocks for the end (optional).
yoga hips
You need a chair, the floor and the wall for this one with. A super efficient 10 mins of you time.
run flow yoga
A sweet 30 min flow opening common tight areas associated with running/walking and in-fact sitting!
feet yoga
Eeeerrr...'I know where my feet are' I hear you say! But can you move them and do they feel goooooood? Foundation training - the only true place to start ♥
side waist low back
Go with the flow and you will Glow With The Flow. 18 mins of blissful joy for your body

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