Yoga Flow

Mobility in motion. These 1 hour classes give you a powerful yoga workout with a restorative yoga finish.
21 videos found
Strong Intentions
A full class with a powerful vibe
Strength & Freedom
This class is a powerful wake up call to your sense of freedom. 
playtime yoga class
Take time to play. As adults we probably need it more than children! 😉
trust yoga class
Become comfortable being uncomfortable Trust your body knows the way Be Open to the possibility of any outcome
free flow yoga class
Pay attention to the way in which you move Move like there is no posture to reach, there is just the movement itself ♥ You are the practice ♥
grounded yoga class
Notice your energy settle inside Appreciate the opportunity and growth your practice brings Learn from your awakening body - 1hr
slidey core yoga class
A 58min class that will progress core and upper body strength. You will need: socks and blocks This one can be intense on the wrists, so stay tuned to your sensations and practice accordingly. PS enjoy the background sunset
intention yoga class
A slow beginning takes you into a powerful meaty middle/end. Find buoyancy and joy in movement. Shavasana is well deserved! - 53 mins
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