Free Trial Gallery

8 videos found
Yoga Flow - Hippy-ish!
Open your hip with this challenging yet restorative class
restorative yoga
Join me for your daily 'Nothing' time (There are 2 techniques included within this practice)
Morning Yoga - Beginnings
Beginnings hold ambiguity, promise, fear and hope. Take time to honour the beginning.
Morning Yoga - Free Yourself
Real freedom comes from within. The water cannot sink your boat, if you don't let it in.
standing yoga for beginners
No need for a mat with this one. Just check you have enough room to swing your arms and get going
desk reset
No need for a mat - address common problem areas associated with chair sitting in this quick 15 min sequence. Do it daily to feel movement magic.
run flow yoga
A sweet 30 minute class, opening common tight areas associated with running/walking and in-fact sitting.